Monday, November 7, 2011
Relationship Building
1. Ask how their day was
2. What are some of the things they are proud about
3. What do they like to do outside of the CBC
4. What are some of the things they are good at
5. What do they like to do with their friends
6. What are some of their "favorites"
There are certainly hundreds of more questions that would fit, but the meaning behind them is almost always the same-- building a relationship that is meaningful to both the participant and volunteer.
Caring adults are an important part of a young persons life! We all have someone that we look to when we are proud of something, need advice, or need some encouragement. As a CBC volunteer you are one of those people that our participants look to and you should all be proud of that.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Blog in Review
Just wanted to remind you of a few older posts made to the blog over the last two years. That's right, I believe we are nearing the blogs two year anniversary! Thanks Dillon!
Anyway please feel free to revisit some of these older posts:
Riding in that?
Colder Weather Riding
Common Misses
Crash Stats
Ways we learn
Rules of the Road
Most of the links in these posts should be up to date, but if not, here is a very important link to the BCM rules of the road page... BCM
Friday, August 19, 2011
Life Space Interview
In the Explore phase of the Life Space Interview process we focus on having each child involved in a conflict describe his/her view of the events preceding and during the conflict. Each child shares as if describing what a video would capture. They tend to want to share what they perceive the intention of the other child. Have them describe what actually happened from their perspective not intentions and motivations of others. The other children are tasked with listening to each other without commenting or making faces. Having another point of view is okay. Each child will get their turn to relay his/her view of the events. The facilitator must insure that each child can communicate his/her view without being challenged and does concern him/herself with seeking the truth. Usually the facilitator will restate what each child has said to confirm that the story was heard accurately and sometime this will be asked to be done by another child.
During the Alternatives phase we will use a desirability/probability assessment (also below) to help the kids determine the likelihood of following through with alternative behaviors in the future. First have the kids brainstorm options (alternative) ideas to prevent future conflicts that seem to keep reappearing with the same themes and outcomes. Usually we precede the brainstorming with figuring out what each child wants out of the situation like becoming friends again or having fun. The desirability assessment pertains to how attractive a particular option is to the child. The probability assessment pertains to the likelihood of the child following through with a particular option. We have found that both the desirability and probability must be rated at eight or higher for action to be realized. Sometime we ask what will it take to move a rating up one point. This assessment has been the key to determine what will actually result in follow-through.
Dehydration Signs and Symptoms
Mild to moderate dehydration will likely cause:
- Dry, sticky mouth
- Sleepiness or tiredness — children are likely to be less active than usual
- Thirst
- Decreased urine output — no wet diapers for three hours for infants and eight hours or more without urination for older children and teens
- Few or no tears when crying
- Dry skin
- Headache
- Constipation
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
Severe dehydration may result in:
- Extreme thirst
- Extreme fussiness or sleepiness in infants and children; irritability and confusion in adults
- Very dry mouth, skin and mucous membranes
- Lack of sweating
- Little or no urination — any urine that is produced will be dark yellow or amber
- Sunken eyes
- Shriveled and dry skin that lacks elasticity and doesn't "bounce back" when pinched into a fold
- In infants, sunken fontanels — the soft spots on the top of a baby's head
- Low blood pressure
- Rapid heartbeat
- Rapid breathing
- No tears when crying
- Fever
- In the most serious cases, delirium or unconsciousness
The easiest way to treat dehydration is to never let yourself get to that point. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day--if your urine is clear chances are your keeping yourself hydrated.
Here are a few other websites where you can read up on more about the causes and treatment for dehydration. <----good information about young athletes
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Summer Rides Lesson Session
Thankfully the CBC has been lucky enough in avoiding rain this riding season, but there was one occasion where we were luck was not on our side. Things to remember when riding in the rain:
1. Its still important to stay hydrated!!!
2. The white lines designating the bike lanes can be extremely slippery when wet.
3. Visibility can be reduced- a pair of bright sunglasses or even clear sunglasses will assist in keeping dirt and rain out of your eyes.
4. Braking time is increased so be sure to leave a little extra distance between you and the person in front of you.
5. Your bike (unless made of wood) is a conductor of electricity!!! If you see lightning pull off and find shelter. Always have a plan if there is a chance for rain.
Lesson #2: Shoelaces Tucked
Certainly a tough one to learn if you learn the hard way. Always be sure to tuck your shoe laces in! Do not just tuck them to the side as they will easily fall out and raise the risk of being thrown into the chainring. For a little extra precaution, tape your laces with a little athletic tape/duct tape/electrical tape. If unfortunately this does happen, stop pedaling and pull over to the side of the road to untangle your laces.
Lesson #3: Soft Sand=Slingshot
Keep your eye out for soft sand as this stuff acts as a catapult. Never try to turn out of or into a section of soft sand when riding as your wheels will come to a screeching halt and launch you into next week!
The most important thing to remember, and we cannot stress this enough, is when you are riding always take care of yourself first! If your are taking care of yourself, you are doing that much better at taking care of the group.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Cool Website
The Old Elastic Around the Break Pad Trick
You will need:
1. Break pad
2. Elastic
3. Allen or socket wrench
Step 1: Ensure that your current break pad is okay to use-- it is not to worn and it is the correct break pad for the particular bike that you are working with.
Step 2: Wrap the rear 1/4 of your break pad with an elastic (see image)

Step 4: Press break pad against rim ensuring that the pad is aligned flush to the rim.
Step 5: Tighten break pad in place and remove elastic.
If the installation is done correctly your break pads will be properly toed in (see image)
Friday, May 20, 2011
A Special Thank You!
That said, recently we have had a large number of volunteers that have been putting in overtime at the CBC! From getting forms filed, data into the computers, working in the shop, filling in for staff, and training for the Trek-- all of your work is greatly appreciated.
To all of our volunteers we would like to extend our warmest thanks for all of the work that you do in creating a safe, fun, and meaningful experience for all of our participants! Your work is what helps keeps this place open!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Not so cuddly and cute...
<-----This guy won’t think twice about bothering you while riding your bicycle as he's to worried about what’s for dinner and to busy chasing skunks, but should you run into a curious dog here are a few links that may help out...
Friday, March 25, 2011
Science Experiment
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Cycling Laws of California
Some of this stuff I would have never ever thought of...
Monday, March 21, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
New SlideShare Website