Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lubricating Caged Bearings

Step 1: "Gloop" a bit of grease onto the palm of your hand.

Step 2: Roll caged bearings through the grease.
Injecting grease between the bearings and the cage will ultimately reduce friction between the bearings and the cage in which they reside = a nice smooth ride!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bike Safety Test of 1950's?

Here's a test we stumbled upon that was sent to us by an ole' friend.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Tricks of the Trade" Bicycle Mechanics

For the last few weeks we have been compiling different tricks of the bicycle mechanics trade for us to try/use inside the shop. Many of our participants have contributed to the list and we've had some additions come from other cycling folks in the community. Please feel free to add you tricks here and we can continue to add them to our list!

Here is what we have so far:

1.       Use WD-40 with steel wool to remove rust from your bike. Be careful when using this method on rims- or be sure to clean your bike very well before riding it after using this method.  Oily breaking surface = no breaks!
2.       For rust removal, rub the part with aluminum foil dipped in vinegar.
3.       When you put the seat back on, pull a piece of string taught from the center rear of the seat to the center of your steer tube. This is much more precise than “eyeballing” it.
4.       Use old spoke nipples as cable ends, just slide the nipple over the cable end, shank end first, squeeze the nipple shank with the wire cutting jaws of a pair of pliers (gently) to fix to the cable then nip off the head of the nipple with the wire cutters.
5.       If you have a bent derailleur hanger, find an old, worthless hub axle with the same thread pitch, thread it into the hanger, and use as a lever to bend it back. Be careful not to strip threads or snap the hanger.
6.       When you are attaching your cleats to your shoes, especially with MTB shoes, fill the hex holes with melted wax (just drip it off a candle). Then, when it's time to tighten/adjust/replace your cleats all you have to do is melt the wax out with a lighter rather than spend 10mins chipping out 2 years’ worth of well packed clay.
7.       When trying to remove a stripped hex bolt try gently hammering your hex wrench into the bolt and then loosening the stripped bolt—call it Andy’s trick.  You may also try using a rubber band at the end of the hex wrench.
8.       When installing pedals, just remember that the right pedal goes in the "right way" and the left pedal is not "right”.
9.       Use a pair of spanners to hold grip tape in place when taping your bars.
10.   Use fourth hand tool to tighten zip ties.
11.   Use steel file on the end of brake housing to give your work a nice professional touch.
12.   When loosening the locknut on a front or rear hub use the “closing fist” technique.  Position both the cone wrench and box wrench in a position (cone wrench should be in the 5 o’clock position and the box wrench in the 7 o’clock position).  If wrenches are in the correct position you should be able to wrap your fist around both wrenches and squeeze them together resulting in the locknut loosening.
      I'm excited to read what you all have in your arsenals!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Afterschool Commute

For the last few weeks there have been a number of participants coming in to report that they have been told by a crossing guard that they should be riding their bicycles on the sidewalk rather than on the right side of the road. 

To help clarify things I have linked the MDOT Bicycling Laws below as well as the City of Biddeford ordinance regarding bicycles on the sidewalk.



Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Helmet Fitting 101

Click here for a detailed look at properly fitting your HELMET!

Hi All,
Please have a look at the link above to ensure that your bike helmet is fitted properly and that the youth at CBC are also wearing theirs correctly!


Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Perkins Post

Matt Perkins’:
10 Reasons to Shave Your Legs
1)   Easier to wash/clean 
2)   Easier to see ticks (great for mountain bikers in Maine) 
3)   More aerodynamic on the bike (ehh! not sure about that???) 
4)   More defined muscles (definitely!!! No pun intended) 
5)   Cleaner looking legs (all depends on the person…) 
6)   Smoother feel (insert simile here) 
7)   Easier to get massages (good point! No hair pulling!) 
8)   Comfort (okay???) 
9)   To clean out road rash easier (maybe at the top of the list) 
10)  It’s tradition (certainly is!)
Have fun with this! Happy biking!

Any other reasons?  Al?

Starting in 1...2...3!

Recently, the CBC has seen an influx of younger riders walk through the doors and we are noticing that although many of them own a bicycle and understand some of the mechanics, they simply do not know how to mount and start their bicycle.  Here are some basic steps in teaching kids (or even some experienced cyclists)how to mount and start pedaling their bicycle. 

1. Stand astride the frame, both feet on the ground. Most people get to this position by swinging a leg over the saddle, but if you have low handlebars, you can do it over the bars as well. If you have a "lady's" bike or other bike with a low frame, you may be able to lift your foot over the frame. It sometimes helps to lean the bike to the side before straddling it.

2. Rotate the pedals so that the pedal for your less skillful foot is 45 degrees forward of straight up (roughly 10:00).

3. Put your foot on the high pedal, then press down hard. This will simultaneously:
  • Let you use the pedal as a step to lift yourself high enough to get onto the saddle...and:
  • Apply driving force to the chain, causing the bike to pick up speed
(adopted from Sheldon Brown)

A common misconception:
1. You should be able to touch the ground with both feet while sitting in the saddle-- incorrect.  If your saddle is adjusted properly adjusted you will not be able to touch the ground with both feet.  Check out this link to properly adjust your saddle Seat Adjustment.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bicyclists & Motorists - Rules of the Road

When was the last time you drove your car on the sidewalk? Do you ever drive on the left side of the road or drive at night without headlights? Hopefully, you answered “never, no, and no.” What about when you’re riding a bike? Cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists. If you’re one of the 900,000 cyclists in Maine (MaineDOT) then you know that riding PREDICTABLY, which means obeying all vehicle traffic laws, is one of your best strategies to prevent crashes. Instead of seatbelts, cyclists wear helmets. How many weeks of allowance would your “criminal” child have to save to pay the $25 ticket for violating Maine’s youth helmet law?  Prevent injury (and tickets!) by learning Maine’s Rules of the Road for bicyclists and motorists.
Rules for Bicyclist
1.       Maintain and regularly inspect your equipment. Secure any loads tightly.
2.       Wear a helmet correctly.  Helmets are required by law for anyone under 16.
3.       Be visible and predictable wearing bright colors and plan ahead.
4.       Ride with traffic on the right side and do not pass motorists on the right.
5.       Watch for potential hazards by scanning 100 feet ahead to avoid hazards.
6.       Signal all turns and remember to look back before you make a lane change or turn.
7.       Be prepared for conditions by carrying supplies, proper clothing and plenty of water.
8.       Obey all traffic laws by riding with traffic and obeying all stop signs and traffic lights.
9.       Ride single file in traffic and notify other bicyclists of approaching cars.
10.   Warn others when approaching and yield to pedestrians.
11.   Always ride with lights at night both headlight and tail lights with reflective clothing.

As motorists, we must respect the rights of other road users including bicyclists. Check out these rules and suggestions for motorists.

Rules for Motorists
1.       Reduce your speed when passing bicyclists.
2.       Don't blast your horn when approaching bicyclists.
3.       When a road becomes too narrow for cars and bikes to ride safely side by side, bicycles should ride in or near the center of the lane.
4.       Recognize situations and obstacles which may be hazardous to bicyclists and give them adequate space to maneuver.
5.       Do NOT pass bicyclists if oncoming traffic is near and wait as you would with any slow-moving vehicle.
6.       In bad weather give bicyclist extra trailing and passing room.
7.       When uncertain in any situation slow down until it's safe to pass.
8.       Give at least three feet of passing space between the right side of your vehicle and a bicyclist.
9.       After passing a bicyclist on your right, check over your shoulder to make sure you have allowed enough room before moving over.
10.   Do not turn in front of bicyclists unless you can do so safely.
11.   When turning left at an intersection, yield to oncoming bicyclists just as you would yield to oncoming motorists.
12.   Before opening your car door, look for bicyclists who may be approaching.
13.   Children on bicycles are often unpredictable - expect the unexpected.

                When we all drive and bicycle safely and are considerate of others it is easy to Share the Road!